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Critical ~ Fill the Associate in Health Education Position
Dear [title] [last name],

YOU can make a difference by filling the Associate in Health Education position in the Office of Curriculum and Instruction without delay.

Navigating a budget is challenging, however, leaving this position vacant for 13 years is deteriorating health education at all levels.

Are you aware the K-12 Health Education Learning Standards are 27 years old (1996)? This is a travesty and an embarrassment at the national level.

Educational standards in all disciplines provide guidance for school districts and educators to develop meaningful and relevant curriculum and assessments. Therefore, the questions that must be asked are, what has changed in society in the past 27 years and do we think the current Health Education Standards (1996) reflect these changes?

Please consider:

  • Gun violence;
  • Digital literacy and internet safety;
  • Mobile phones (i.e. screen time, texting, pictures);
  • Social media (i.e Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, SnapChat);
  • Mental health (anxiety & depression);
  • LGBTQIA+ and inclusiveness;
  • Heroin/opioid addiction and prevention;
  • Suicide rates;
  • Bullying, cyberbullying & harassment;
  • Relationship management/dating violence;
  • Avoidance of child sexual abuse and abduction;
  • Civility, citizenship and character education;
  • Impaired driving (alcohol and/or drugs); and,
  • Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) which includes:
    • The Crown Act,
    • Tolerance,
    • Respect and dignity for others,
    • An awareness and sensitivity in the relations of people, including different races, weights, national origins, ethnic groups, religions, religious practices, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identity.

In addition to the development of new learning standards, the Associate in Health Education would provide disciplinary expertise and leadership to coordinate state-wide efforts including: updating the curriculum guidance document, providing professional development, applying for federal grants, and oversight of the 45 required topics taught in a quality health education class, as well as providing technical assistance statewide.

As educational leaders, it is your responsibility to ensure every student in a NYS school receives a comprehensive, sequential, skills-based health education program, supported by the Commissioner, the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor and the members of the Board of Regents.

Our students' health and wellbeing are worth the investment.

Thank you for your consideration of this critical request.
[Your Name]
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