  • email advocacy
Congress must do more for Alzheimer’s families
Dear [Your Elected Official],

Over 719,700 Californians are living with Alzheimer’s disease and by 2040, that number is expected to increase by 127%, disproportionally impacting diverse populations.

By 2040, in California the number of:

  • Women with Alzheimer’s disease will increase by 11%
  • Latinos with Alzheimer’s disease will more than triple
  • Black/African Americans with Alzheimer’s disease will nearly triple
  • Asian American/Pacific Islanders with AD will more than double
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) people with Alzheimer’s disease will more than double

I urge you to stand with these individuals and their families by supporting:

  • Increased funding for Alzheimer’s research at the National Institutes of Health
  • Legislation that improves detection, diagnosis, and care planning for those with Alzheimer’s disease
  • Legislation that provides supportive services to family caregivers
[Your Name]
[Your City & State]

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