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Track & Prevent Accidental Deaths on Campus – Pass the COREY Safety Act
YOU Can Be the Change!
Dear [Your Elected Official],

As a concerned constituent, I was shocked to learn that unintentional injuries, not crime or fire, are the number one cause of college student fatalities. Unfortunately, these often-preventable injuries and deaths are not currently counted and reported. When we send our kids to college, we entrust them to that institution of higher learning to not only educate them, but to keep them as safe as possible. With the cost of a college degree/housing soaring ever higher, now is the time to act. 

It is for that reason I am asking you to co-sponsor/support the COREY Safety Act (S. 2461/H.R. 4903) that will amend the Clery Act to report unintentional injuries (accidents) on campus that result in serious injury or death. The data gleaned from the COREY Safety Act will provide students & parents, higher education, and the injury prevention community the data they need to identify safety gaps.

The COREY Safety Act is just common sense. With your support, it WILL prevent injuries and save lives among the most cherished people in our lives…our children. They are the future of this country and it is our duty to make campuses safer to allow them to thrive and reach their full potential.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support of the COREY Safety Act.

[Your Name]
[Your City & State]
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