I am writing as a concerned constituent to request your support for bill H.R. 6220, the Adoption Deserves Oversight, Protection & Transparency (ADOPT) Act. This bill will put protections in place for vulnerable women, families, and children impacted by domestic adoption by prohibiting unlicensed adoption intermediaries and promoting local, on-the-ground support for parents considering adoption. The ADOPT Act will send a clear message that the commodification of pregnant women and children, and the exploitation of families hoping to adopt, will not be tolerated.
Domestic adoption is a complex process that carries a lifelong impact and requires mental health and legal expertise. Adoptions should only be handled by highly skilled, licensed professionals. The ADOPT Act is necessary to safeguard those seeking assistance with adoption from financial exploitation by unlicensed and unregulated intermediaries. We have a duty to protect vulnerable women, children, and families and to ensure they receive the support they need to navigate the adoption process safely and securely.
Please vote in support of H.R. 6220 the ADOPT Act.
Thank you for your commitment to protecting America's women, families and children impacted by adoption.