I am writing to express my concerns regarding the federal government’s proposed Emissions Cap on the oil and natural gas sector. As a Canadian citizen, I am deeply concerned about the potential negative impact this regulation will have on our economy, jobs, and energy security.
Oil and natural gas are Canada’s largest exports and play a crucial role in supporting our national economy and the livelihood of families across the country. Limiting the growth of this essential industry, especially during a time when many Canadians are struggling to make ends meet, is not the right path forward.
Our oil and gas sector not only provides thousands of well-paying jobs but also contributes significantly to funding public services and ensuring a higher standard of living for all Canadians. Now is not the time to introduce regulations that could hinder this sector's growth and our economic recovery.
I urge you to stand up for Canadian workers, our national economy, and the future prosperity of our country by opposing the Emissions Cap and supporting continued growth in our oil and gas industry. Let’s work together to find balanced solutions that address environmental concerns while also protecting the economic foundation of our nation.
I hope you will do the right thing.
Steven Guilbeault Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Your Member of Parliament