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Support HR 6829 - "The HEARTS Act of 2024" - Help to find the undiagnosed
Dear [Your Elected Official],

I am writing to urge you to please join me and the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association in supporting HR 6829 (HEARTS Act of 2024), the amendment of the Public Health Service Act to authorize and support the creation and dissemination of cardiomyopathy education resources to identify at-risk families.

Cardiomyopathies are genetic cardiovascular diseases that make it difficult for the heart to pump blood. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM, is the most common type, impacting roughly 1 in every 250 adults. Cardiomyopathies are usually inherited and go undiagnosed. Many result in untimely deaths from cardiac arrest that could be avoided through awareness and screening.

The "Cardiomyopathy Health, Education, Awareness, Research and Training in Schools (HEARTS Act of 2024)" requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to coordinate with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), patient advocacy groups, and health professional organizations to develop educational materials and resources on cardiomyopathy for public awareness and to distribute materials to schools, teachers, and parents.

It also calls for guidelines regarding the placement of life-saving automated external defibrillators in schools, as well as grants to elementary and secondary schools acrtoss the country for the creation of cardiac emergency response plans.

Every year, 23,000 children die suffer cardiac arrests in a non-medical environment, and 40% of those are related to athletic activities. For every minute an AED is delayed getting to a cardiac arrest patient, their chance of survival drops by 10%. By providing AEDs to all elementary and secondary schools, this legislation can be the difference between saving a student’s life or not.

The bill would also raise awareness about cardiomyopathies and bring this awareness into schools. An important part of treating and managing cardiomyopathy is an early diagnosis. These educational materials and initiatives could help thousands of people recognize their disease and avoid an early death.  

Voting in support of the HEARTS ACT of 2024 is an easy way to save lives. It’s common-sense legislation to place an easy-to-use, life-saving device in all our schools and ensure that professionals are trained and ready to act when an emergency happens. I encourage you and your colleagues to not only bring this legislation to the floor for a vote, but for all of your colleagues to vote yes and stand with our children.



I respectfully thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]
[Your City & State]

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Please join the HCMA in supporting HR 6829 (HEARTS Act of 2023), the amendment of the Public Health Service Act to authorize and support the creation and dissemination of cardiomyopathy education resources to identify at-risk families.