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Act Now To Stop Colorado's "Assault Weapon" Ban
Colorado gif
Dear [Your Elected Official],

CO H.B. 24-1292 is a clear violation of the U.S. and Colorado State Constitutions and will do nothing more than infringe on Colorado citizens' 2A rights and ensure swift legal action from pro-2A groups.

While this bill will do nothing to stop crime, it will cost taxpayers in legal fees for the numerous and inevitable lawsuits that will be filed against it.

Please keep your oath of office and vote NO on H.B. 24-1292.

[Your Name]
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CO H.B. 24-1292 is a clear violation of the Constitution and will do nothing more than infringe on Colorado citizens' 2A rights and ensure swift legal action from pro-2A groups.

While this bill will do nothing to stop crime, it will cost tax-payers in legal fees for the numerous and inevitable lawsuits that will be filed against it.

Please keep your oath of office and vote NO on H.B. 24-1292.