Billdata Timeline
reading-1: House
Read first time. To print.
: House
From printer. May be heard in committee February 3.
referral-committee: House
Referred to Coms. on B. & P. and G.O.
amendment-introduction, amendment-passage, committee-passage, referral-committee: House
From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended and re-refer to Com. on G.O. (Ayes 14. Noes 2.) (April 2).
amendment-passage, reading-1, reading-2: House
Read second time and amended.
referral-committee: House
Re-referred to Com. on G.O.
committee-passage, committee-passage-favorable: House
From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 13. Noes 2.) (April 17).
reading-1, reading-2: House
Read second time. Ordered to third reading.
amendment-passage, reading-1, reading-3: House
Read third time and amended. Ordered to third reading.
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OPPOSE AB 1775 (Haney) - Protect Californians & Smoke-Free Air
Ab1775 graphic oppose v1.2
Dear [Your Elected Official],

Please oppose Assembly Bill 1775 Cannabis: Retail preparation, sale and consumption of non-cannabis food and beverage products (AB 1775, Haney).  Governor Newsom wisely vetoed the almost identical bill (AB374) last year stating: “I am concerned this bill could undermine California's long-standing smoke-free workplace protections.” The Governor was right. It is time to put this unfortunate, recurring, anti-worker idea to permanent rest.

Allowing cannabis retailers permitted for on-site consumption to open restaurants and bars that prepare and sell conventional foods and beverages, whether pre-packaged or prepared on site, is a deeply unwise policy.

The creation of smoke-free environments in all workplaces including restaurants and bars, most places of entertainment, and many other public spaces, has been one of the great public health triumphs of the past century. GenZ and Millennial youth have grown up in smoke-free environments, leading to far lower rates of smoking and reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. California has been a national leader in creating and protecting smoke-free air. These efforts and public health values should be reflected in our cannabis policies in order to mitigate the harms of legal access without driving up consumption and exposure.

AB 1775 will jeopardize Californians by:

  • Exposing more patrons and employees to the harms of secondhand cannabis smoke and vapor, including pregnant individuals and fetuses.
  • Increasing exposure more extensively and for longer periods of time.
  • Normalizing/Increasing the use of cannabis, leading to decreased perception of harms.
  • Bringing back smoke-filled restaurants and bars, undermining decades of progress in smoke-free air.
  • Increasing motor vehicle collisions and exacerbating drugged driving.
  • Creating undesirable burdens for governmental operations including highway patrol, local police, emergency medical services agencies and health providers

Allowing cannabis smoke/vapor filled rooms pose a significant threat to anyone in that environment. Secondhand cannabis smoke/vapor pollutes the air as much or more than tobacco. Suggestions that exposure to secondhand cannabis smoke/vapor is safe are misleading. Smoke is smoke. Like tobacco smoke, it is clear that engineering and ventilation techniques cannot reduce this pollution to healthy levels; complete smoke-free policies are the only way to provide healthy indoor environments.

With your leadership, California’s smoke-free air laws will continue to protect future generations of Californians against the harms of secondhand smoke. Cannabis should not be an exception. Cannabis businesses should remain specialized establishments to provide legal access to cannabis, but not become restaurants, cannabis bars or convenience stores.

We urge you to protect workers and California’s next generations, please OPPOSE AB 1775. Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]
[Your City & State]

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