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  • Goal: 100
Pass the Maternal Health Bill in the Senate!
Goal: 100
Dear Senator,

I am a constituent in your district writing to urge you to prioritize maternal health legislation during these final weeks of the legislative session.

Please ask Senate leadership to move swiftly to bring the maternal health omnibus bill to the floor. It's time for evidence-based solutions that integrate midwives and birth centers into our healthcare system.

We are urgently in need of better maternal health care in Massachusetts. Last year, the Department of Public Health reported the shocking data that severe maternal health complications have DOUBLED over ten years in Massachusetts. Meanwhile, we have sustained closures of birth centers and maternity units in every corner of the state. This is disportionately harming Black mothers due to structural racism, but the crisis has reached every demographic, in every community.

Midwives are proven to improve outcomes while reducing health care costs, which is why expanding access to midwifery care and birth centers were key recommendations of the 2021-2022 Legislative Commission on Racial Inequities in Maternal Health. It's time to implement those recommendations to help Massachusetts families survive and thrive.

Please take swift action to pass a multi-faceted approach to addressing our urgent maternal health crisis and racial inequities with maternal health omnibus legislation (S.2734 / H.4785).

Thank you,
[Your Name]
[Your City & State]
Send me occasional emails about this issue
  • Hello, I am a constituent and I would like to speak to someone about the maternal health bill.
  • I live in your district and I want to share my strong support for the maternal health bill currently in Ways and Means.
  • The House passed H.4785, which will do so much to improve the health and well being of families, like expand access to midwives and birth centers.
  • Will you ask Senate leadership to bring the maternal health omnibus bill to the floor right away?

Feel free to share personal reasons or stories as well! That can really help legislators and staff connect more strongly to the issue. Here are some more facts you can share:

  • We deserve evidence-based solutions that integrate midwives and birth centers into our healthcare system.
  • We are urgently in need of better maternal health care in Massachusetts.
  • Last year, the Department of Public Health reported that severe maternal health complications have DOUBLED in Massachusetts over ten years.
  • Birth centers and maternity units have closed all over the state.
  • This crisis disportionately harms Black mothers due to structural racism, but all of us are impacted.
  • Midwives are proven to improve outcomes while reducing health care costs.
  • This bill finally implements key recommendations of the 2021-2022 Legislative Commission on Racial Inequities in Maternal Health.