<p>For years, average milk prices for farmers have been well below what it costs for them to run their dairies, making it difficult for small and mid-sized dairy farmers to make ends meet. Current pricing policies incentivize increasing production to make up for low milk prices. To survive in dairy, farmers either have to pay to scale up their farms, or get out of the business.</p>
<p>Dairy farms are going out of business by the thousands every year. Between the 1970's to 2021, the US lost 90% of dairy farms - there are now less than 30,000 dairy farms left in the US. </p>
<p>It doesn't have to be this way. Federal policy is the key to addressing the dairy crisis and low milk prices. A supply management program would control how much milk is produced nationwide, stabilize prices for farmers, and ensure that consumer demand is met despite seasonal fluctuation. To achieve these goals, NFFC is proposing the Milk from Family Dairies Act that will would ensure dairy farmers a fair price for their product while protecting costs for consumers and revitalizing rural areas. </p>
<p>Learn more about the Act here: https://nffc.net/what-we-do/dairy/ and ask your legislators to support dairy farmers by introducing the Milk from Family Dairies Act in the Farm Bill! </p>
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