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  • sign a petition
Petition to Stop Harmful Title IX Revisions

To Attorney General William Tong:

We, the undersigned, ask you to take immediate legal action against the new U.S. Department of Education Title IX regulations that are effective on August 1, 2024. The new Title IX regulations redefine the word "sex" in the existing regulations to include “gender identity.” 

The redefinition of gender will have extensive impact on girls’ sports teams and what our children are taught in schools about their sexual identity. The U.S. Department of Education exceeded its authority with this new, substantive change in meaning without Congressional approval. We strongly urge you to take whatever legal action is necessary, similar to what has successfully occurred in other states, to stop the implementation of the new regulations in Connecticut.

The new regulations will effectively remove any state and local control over any concerns related to the gender identity issue in our schools.  Additionally, the revised regulations will silence the opposition to biological males playing on female teams, silence the opposition to shared bathrooms and locker rooms in schools, and lead to the suppression of the free speech of staff and students who question the gender identity ideology. The new regulations also do not support parental notification or approval when a school begins socially transitioning their child to another gender identity.

We urge you to express our opposition to such a far overreaching federal regulation and to work to have its implementation delayed and eventually overturned. So far, the federal government has been barred by federal district courts from enforcing the new regulations in fourteen states. 

Hopefully, you will ensure that Connecticut will soon join their ranks.  

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