  • sign a petition
🚨 URGENT: Help Stop Automated Ticketing Cameras in Phoenix! 🚨

Petition to Oppose Automated Ticketing Cameras in Phoenix

I pledge my support in opposing the implementation of red-light and speed cameras in the city of Phoenix for several critical reasons:

The installation of automated ticketing cameras promotes intrusive surveillance, infringing on our fundamental right to privacy. Although these devices are touted as safety measures, they add an unwarranted layer of monitoring that diminishes our community's sense of privacy and fosters distrust of the police and elected officials.

Moreover, these automated ticketing systems subject the public to substantial financial penalties, which can be particularly devastating for individuals in lower income brackets. By prioritizing revenue generation from mostly minor traffic violations over genuine public safety, the city infringes on citizens rights while imposing undue financial stress on its most vulnerable residents.

Additionally, the city's reliance on red-light and speed cameras will divert attention and resouces from essential safety improvements, such as enhancing roadway infrastructure and proper yellow signal timing. Investing in these areas would make a real difference in enhancing safety at our intersections and on our roads.

In conclusion, rather than effectively addressing the real issues that compromise safety, the solution of reinstalling automated ticketing cameras only serves to undermine privacy and impose an undue financial burden on the populace.

In the next election, I pledge to vote against any City Council Member who supports the reinstallation of these ticketing cameras in Phoenix.

Thank you for your consideration on this crucial issue.


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