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Fair Share for Maryl...
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Secure Maryland's Equitable Funding Future
Invest in Maryland families - pass the Fair Share Tax Plan

Dear Governor Moore, President Ferguson, Speaker Jones and members of the Maryland General Assembly,

Maryland Nonprofits and the undersigned, committed to serving Maryland's communities, urgently call upon you to adopt badly needed reforms in our revenue system. Our state faces worsening structural budget deficits, which has a devastating impact on the communities that nonprofits serve. Without relief, we could be looking at significant cuts to vital services. At the same time, low-income and moderate people we serve need relief – expanding the earned income tax credit and child tax credit are critical to ensuring people can afford to live where they work.

We need to continue and build on the strategic investments made in the 2024 General Assembly session, rather than scaling back future budgets. By adopting the Fair Share Maryland plan with common sense reforms in closing tax loopholes and modest increases on wealthy taxpayers, we can begin to stabilize budgets and address the social and economic inequities in our tax system that overburden our low and middle-income working families.

We urge you to take steps now to secure the state's fiscal stability and future prosperity for all of our people.

Thank you,

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