Dear Member of Congress/State Legislator,
We, the undersigned, are writing to you with the hopes we can help you understand how important Medicaid is to our community. We are signed onto this petition as peopel with disabilities or people who have loved ones with disabilities. Medicaid makes it possible for us and our loved ones to receive the care we/they need in order to live full lives and thrive. Those of us who need long term care/long term supports and services are particularly appreciative of Colorado's robust home and community based services benefits that allow us and our family to live in the community of our choosing.
Currently, the only two ways that someone can receive long term in home care for help with things like dressing, bathing, toileting, etc. is through Medicaid or private pay. Private insurance does not offer a comporable benefit on an ongoing, long term basis. Because of that, Medicaid is a lifeline for people with disabilities who require assistance with activities of daily living.
Colorado has been a leader in offering a Medicaid benefits package that allows people with disabilities to thrive and build full and meanginful lives. We oppose any per capita caps, block granting, moving of long term care to an MCO model and/or deep cuts to waivers.
We understand that Medicaid represents a large part of state and federal expenditures, but Medicaid is a vital lifeline for our community and can be the difference between life and death. The difference between surviving and thriving. We ask that you keep this in mind as you are making budget decisions this year.