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Safe and Healthy Homes for KY Kids: Oppose HB 173
Dear [Your Elected Official],

I am writing to ask you to oppose HB 173, a bill that would strip local governments of the ability to maintain rental property registries and enforce housing safety standards. This bill puts the health and safety of Kentucky families, especially children, at serious risk by removing critical tools needed to ensure safe housing. Rental registries are a cost effective, low barrier solution that enables local governments to identify and address hazards, such as lead poisoning, that harm families and children. 

Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive, and every family deserves a safe and healthy home. Rental property registries are a vital resource for local governments throughout Kentucky, allowing them to track housing conditions, identify dangers like lead poisoning, and ensure that landlords meet safety standards. Without these tools, families will be exposed to unsafe living conditions, with lasting consequences for their health and well-being.

Governments have a responsibilty to ensure health and safety standards in all industries, including housing and these registries offer an effective and accessible way for landlords and property owners to ensure compliance with built-in exemptions and incentives.

Kentuckians need local governments to have the authority to protect their communities. Please oppose HB 173 to ensure that local leaders have the resources they need to keep our homes safe and protect the future of our children.

Thank you for your time and attention to this critical issue.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City & State]
Send me occasional emails about this issue

Introduction: Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a constituent from [City]. I’m calling to urge [Representative/Senator Name] to oppose HB 173. This bill would strip local governments of the ability to maintain rental property registries and enforce housing safety standards, which endangers Kentucky children and families.

Reason for Call: Every Kentucky family deserves a safe place to call home. Rental registries are a low-cost, low-barrier solution that allows local governments to identify and address hazards that put families and children at risk. Several local governments across Kentucky rely on rental property registries to track unsafe conditions, identify concerns like lead poisoning, and ensure landlords meet commonsense safety standards. Without these tools, Kentucky families face higher risks from dangerous living conditions with lifelong health consequences.

Governments have a responsibilty to ensure health and safety standards in all industries, including housing and these registries offer an effective and accessible way for landlords and property owners to ensure compliance with built-in exemptions and incentives.

Ask: I urge [Representative/Senator Name] to protect Kentucky’s families and children by opposing HB 173. Local governments must have the tools they need to keep housing safe, especially for children

Closing: Can we count on [Representative/Senator Name] to prioritize the health and safety of our communities by opposing this bill?