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Keep Colorado’s Cash Local—End Unfair Fees Today!
Dear [Your Elected Official],

I am writing to express my Support for HB 25-1282. This bill, if passed, would significantly benefit small businesses and help keep Colorado’s money where it belongs—at home. Hidden credit card fees are draining dollars from our local businesses and inflating everyday costs.

Every time I swipe my card, hidden fees are added that inflate prices and hurt everyone—from our local business to my family’s budget. 

U.S. credit and debit card processing fees average over 2% per transaction and can hit as high as 4%, meaning for every $100 you spend, an extra $2 to $4 is siphoned off. The average family loses $1,200 a year to these fees. 

The Colorado Swipe Fee Fairness and Consumer Safeguards Act (HB 25-1282) ends the practice of banks unfairly profiting from Colorado small businesses and restaurants by charging fees on sales taxes and tips.

These fees increase restaurant checks, shrink workers’ tips, and fuel corporate profits at the expense of our communities. 

The result? Higher living costs and a drained local economy. 

I urge you to support legislation like HB 25-1282 that eliminates credit card fees on sales tax and tips, ensuring that every dollar stays in our communities where it belongs.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]
[Your City & State]
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