I ask you to vote NO on HB470 on Wednesday in the Business & Utilities Subcommittee.
While this bill protects individual speech and religion, it does not protect customers from discrimination and it takes rights away from associations to set standards for their members.
This bill does not merely protect individuals in what they do and say outside work. It also protects them when they are on the job. As the bill says, "Expressing sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions in any context, including a professional context, as long as the services provided otherwise meet the standard of care or practice for that profession;" In other words, a person could do a good job, but then say that a customer's religion or lack of religion is wrong without fear of discipline. Such situations put customers, employers, and professional associations at a disadvantage.
There must be a balance of the needs of these parties, but this bill does not strike it.
Thank you for considering my views.
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