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Vote NO to Wetlands Bill HB0541
Dear [Your Elected Official],

Thank you all for your willingness to learn about wetlands over the past year to ensure Tennessee water law works for Tennesseans today and in the future.

I was expecting a wetlands compromise bill that was based on extensive stakeholder engagement last year, but HB0541 only contains a few of those recommendations. Even with Sen. Walley's new amended language, this bill will have unintended consequences.

Other states without these laws are dealing with serious water quality and overpumping issues. Our smart wetland protections prevent us from facing those! 

With our current wetland laws, developers have incentive to design around wetlands, adding green space and value to their property.  This proposed bill would remove protections for 80% of wetlands! Meaning there would be no incentive to plan with nature, and actually impact the amount of rainwater that can be filtered and replenished for our drinking water supply.

Please vote NO on HB541 in subcommittee on March 26, unless an amendment following the stakeholder recommendations is introduced.

[Your Name]
[Your City & State]

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