Remove Assistance Roadblocks from Budget Proposal

Dear [title] [last name],

I am writing to voice my concerns regarding the budget proposals that have come out of the General Assembly. Although some progress has been made in our economic recovery after COVID, we still have a way to go - passing budgets that add more roadblocks to assistance programs that are already lagging behind will only add to the current housing crisis we are in.

Tenants and homeowners across the state have been going through the application process for rental/mortgage assistance for months, and need a swift and efficient process that will help us to get caught up and regain stability for our families. Political power-grabs and procedural red-tape will not get vital relief to constituents - the delay in allocating assistance will lead to more evictions and foreclosures.

In particular the following provision in the Senate’s budget proposal delays the economic recovery of so many homeowners across North Carolina: 

  • Section 29.3(a)-(4):  Additional public hearing/publishing rules for HAF
    • The US Treasury Department guidelines already require detailed public input. This new requirement potentially delays the opening of this assistance program, potentially worsening the financial harm already being experienced by tens of thousands of homeowners across the state. The NCHFA is on track to open HAF in September. This redundant provision would delay that potentially to December or even January 2022. 

I am urging you to pass a budget that leaves out all of the political control games, and expedites the process of helping people get caught up on their rent and mortgage payments. We would all like to get to a place of financial stability, and to move forward. Please eliminate the roadblocks previously listed, and allow the appropriate agencies to follow the procedures that are already in place - standing in the way of assistance will not help the constituents you were elected to serve.


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