Please, vote NO on HB239 in Civil Justice Subcommittee on February 21.
I urge you to ask hard questions about the purpose of the bill and all the areas of the code that it affects. What problem is it trying to solve? It will make life more difficult for transgender people in areas like nondiscrimination law and obtaining identity documents .
By compromising a transgender person's identity documents, this bill will make seeking employment and housing more difficult. It could entangle Tennessee in “full faith and credit” challenges if we do not properly recognize official documents like handgun permits and birth certificates or a driver's license from other states that do not have the same interpretation of the word "sex."
Thank you for considering my views.
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Lowell Russell Representative
Bill Beck Representative
Kip Capley
Rick Eldridge Representative
Andrew Farmer Representative
Rusty Grills Representative
William Lamberth Representative
Antonio Parkinson Representative
Chris Todd Representative