Invest in the California Health Equity and Racial Justice Fund!

Dear %TITLE% %LAST%,

Please support the first step to establish the Health Equity and Racial Justice Fund (HERJ Fund) framework in law, allowing it to receive future public or private appropriations as the State’s budgetary outlook improves. The HERJ Fund would begin to address the community conditions at the root of the health disparities suffered by our state's most underserved communities.

The Fund will fill gaps in state investments by supporting organizations working directly with impacted community members to address key drivers of poorer health outcomes. It will act to: 1) Reduce health and social inequities that impact communities of color and other historically marginalized communities, and, 2) Help transform community conditions and institutional government systems to better address health inequities and support and advance racial justice for all communities of color. Other states have led similar initiatives, and now it’s time for California to step up to the plate. 

It's time to trust and direct resources to organizations and leaders that are rooted in communities. Community leaders inspire and connect neighbors with one another. They understand their communities’ needs and provide culturally appropriate services. Community leaders leverage resources and build bridges between diverse neighborhoods. These on-the-ground organizations also work effectively with local health departments, other public agencies, and healthcare providers to identify emerging needs and develop effective solutions tailored to local conditions.

We recognize and support the Governor and Legislature’s ongoing commitment to health equity, particularly the expansion of coverage and care of the most vulnerable Medi-Cal beneficiaries. We also urge you to make a strong, first in the nation commitment to a community based approach to racial justice and health equity.

The HERJ Fund is fully aligned with your vision for a more equitable California. Community investments are a critical missing component to ensuring all our residents have a comprehensive public health infrastructure. 

Please stand with our statewide coalition of over 230 supporting organizations, legislative champions Senator Eggman, and a California Legislature that has sought to include the HERJ Fund in the past two state budgets, by supporting the creation in law of the HERJ Fund today.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]
[Your City & State]

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