Please, vote NO on SB1499 and SB1304 on Tuesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Both bills are taxpayer subsidized discrimination.
SB1499 improperly directs the Tennessee Attorney General to defend school districts with anti-transgender student policies if they are sued. School districts are still losing in court when they discriminate against transgender students. So if this bill became law it would give school districts a false sense of security and local taxpayers would still have to pay. And no matter how you slice it, this is a bathroom bill and will be perceived as such by the national business community. We will lose millions and millions of dollars in economic development like North Carolina. Besides these reasons, an Attorney General's opinion has been requested on the bill and the bill was put behind the budget in House Finance subcommittee. There is no reason to proceed.
SB1304 clearly opens the door to sending tax dollars to adoption and foster care agencies that would actually bar some taxpayers based on the moral or religious objection of the agencies. Section 1c of the amended House companion bill makes this certain. What are state grants and contracts but taxpayer money? I can't believe that the Legislature is seriously considering giving our money to agencies that would turn some taxpayers away based on moral and religious objections.
Thank you for considering my views.