Restore authority to local communities

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Restore authority to local communities in Tennessee.

As a member of our community and your district, I worry about COVID-19 and its impact on our lives. While the state has an important role in protecting the health and well-being of all Tennesseans during this COVID-19 crisis, our towns, cities, and counties need the ability to make decisions that best support us and our needs and values.


Unfortunately, over the past couple years, there have been more laws passed that restrict local government from being able to take action on issues that matter to our livelihoods like having broadband for educating our children and working from home, having paid sick leave to stay home when we get ill and keep others safe, or affordable housing so we can keep our homes as we face unemployment or other hardships, along with many, many other issues.


The effects of COVID-19 on our health and lives will be felt for many years to come, but I believe that giving more room for our local elected leaders to help us by making decisions on behalf of our communities will help ease the burden. I urge you to please consider any legislative actions that restore authority to local government, leaders, and communities.  Thank you for considering my views.

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