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Vote NO on HB1840

Please, vote NO on HB1840 when it comes to the House floor.  Counselors can already express their faith and principles and make referrals in appropriate ways under existing rules.  There is no need for this bill.  The State should not be tinkering with the professional standards of counselors. It sets a bad precedent for other professions.

An anti-bullying amendment was improperly stripped from the bill in the House Health Committee.  That was a cowardly act that minimizes the problem of bullying of minors in our state.  The most recent report by Tennessee Department of Education noted over 6000 confirmed cases of bullying in Tennessee public schools.  The anti-bullying amendment made a bad bill better.  It was callous to remove it.

Those lobbying for passage of this bill have built a fear-mongering case in order to put the focus on the desires a few counselors to turn certain clients away.  The focus must remain on those seeking counseling and their needs.

I urge you to vote NO on this bill.  I am watching it closely.  Thank you for considering my views.


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