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Bill ID
HB 1944
Obscenity and Pornography - As introduced, excludes local education agencies, public schools, and employees and private contractors of LEAs or public schools from the exception to certain obscenity offenses if the LEA, public school, employee, or private contractor possesses obscene material that is harmful to minors on public school premises; prohibits an LEA or public school from making obscene materials or materials harmful to minors available to students in the school libraries controlled by the LEA or public school. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 9 and Title 49.
Last Action on 04/06/2022: [Senate] Deferred to Summer Study
This bill is an accusation of obscenity against school librarians. We must speak up for these vital professionals who help our students every week of the school year.
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This is a form of censorship.
School librarians are important professionals in the educational process, not criminals.