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Support Media Literacy Education in New York

Dear [Your Elected Official],

This legislation is up for reintroduction, I want to see action on them when they get reintroduced.

I believe that understanding media is a critical skill for students as the citizens of the future. Media is the predominant information provider of our times, and young people need skills to navigate the world of media safely and responsibly.  I ask you to support the package of bills: A32, A35, A40, A94, A1452, and A1695. Students in New York state can become more media literate with the help of teachers and school library media specialists. We can empower and educate them with the tools and resources they need to participate as thoughtful, productive members of society. These bills ensure proper support for media literacy education in our schools and would require teachers and library media specialists to complete professional development related to media literacy education. The bills would provide our educators with the tools and professional development needed to effectively develop students’ skills.



[Your Name]
[Your City & State]

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I believe that understanding media is a critical skill for students as the citizens of the future.  Media is the predominant information provider of our times and young people need skills to navigate the world of media safely and responsibly.  I ask you to support A6153 and  S8213 to require teachers and library media specialists to complete professional development related to media literacy education that will provide our educators with the tools and professional development needed to effectively develop students’ skills.