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Vote NO on SB127

Please, vote NO on SB127, which is on the regular calendar of the Senate on Monday afternoon.  This bill would prevent state and local governments from using a business's or nonprofit's internal policies as a criterion for awarding grants and contracts.  We should NOT take power away from the taxpayers to determine with which companies and nonprofits we do business. 

We should be giving more power to taxpayers through their elected representatives to make the best decisions.  Why are we tying their hands with another restriction?

  • Cities could not refuse to enter into a cooperative agreement with a homeless shelter because they refuse to provide services for the elderly.
  • The state could not refuse to enter into a contract with a counseling center that refuses to treat veterans or youth in crisis.
  • Cities could not refuse to give a grant to an organization operating emergency shelter services if they refuse to serve LGBTQ people.

This bill, if passed, would invite devastating consequences for vulnerable people of this state and then it would become an economic issue for the whole state because we would be known as enabling discrimination.  We don't want to become another North Carolina.  Please, vote NO on SB127.

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