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Thank you for SB127 deferral, vote NO on Wednesday morning.

I would like to thank the Senate for deferring action on SB127 on Monday afternoon.  I ask you to vote NO when it comes up again on Wednesday morning.  Senators raised questions about the scope of the bill.  The bill includes more than a company's HR policies.  The bill's wording is broad enough that it can include service policies.

State and local governments should be able to look at a business or nonprofit's policies when awarding grants or contracts.  If a business or nonprofit refuses to serve a portion of the public, then that ties the hands of government and, therefore, taxpayers in how public funds are used. 

But even if the bill were limited to HR policies, it's not acceptable.  Public schools contracting with companies that provide janitorial and bus driving services should be able to consider a company's HR policies in awarding contracts.  For example, employee background checks can protect minors in such situations.  This bill would prevent a public school system from using that as a criterion. 

This bill is sure to have unintended and discriminatory consequences.  Please, vote NO.

Thank you for considering my views.



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