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State & Local Government Committee, vote NO on SB127

Please, vote NO on SB127 when it comes before the Senate State and Local Government Committee on February 28. 

The amendment offered on the Senate floor by the sponsor is a helpful step, but it doesn't go far enough.  The bill still ties the hands of state and local government in far-reaching ways.

The state government, counties, cities, and public school districts sometimes need to be able to use a business or nonprofit's HR and benefit policies in making contract and grant decisions.  Veteran hiring preferences could be endangered by this bill.  A school district's ability to award contracts to bus driving companies and janitorial companies that do stringent background checks could also be in danger.

With all the ways that state and local government engage in contracting and grant-making, the potential for this bill to disrupt legitimate public aims is inestimable.  Considering the fact that business groups have not asked for this bill, there is no justification for pursuing it.

Thank you for considering my views.

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