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Ask Your Members of Congress to Join the CRC Caucus

[Your Elected Official]

I am a constituent and member of the colorectal cancer community writing to urge you to join the Colorectal Cancer Caucus, co-chaired by Rep. Donald Payne, Jr (D-NJ) and Rep. Mark Green (R-TN).

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for men and women combined. According to the American Cancer Society, It is estimated that in 2024, 152,810 Americans will receive a colorectal cancer diagnosis and 53,010 people will die. This doesn’t have to be our reality. Unlike many other cancers, colorectal cancer can be prevented if caught early through timely screening. Unfortunately, 1 in 3 Americans are not up to date on colorectal cancer screening.

Colorectal cancer is also increasing in young people. While colorectal cancer incidence rates in individuals over 50 have largely stabilized or declined due to significant advancements in preventive screening, incidence rates for early-onset colorectal cancer (individuals diagnosed at ages 20 to 49) have been consistently increasing. By 2030, colorectal cancer is expected to be the leading cause of cancer death for Americans ages 20-49.

Colorectal cancer disproportionately impacts communities of color. Black individuals have the highest incidence and mortality and face lower survival than white individuals. American Indian/Alaskan Natives also have elevated rates and deaths compared to the general population and represent the only racial/ethnic group for whom colorectal cancer mortality rates are not declining. Racial and ethnic minorities are also more likely than white individuals to present with late-stage, incurable disease.

The Colorectal Cancer Caucus is a bipartisan group of Members of Congress dedicated to working collaboratively to increase access to screening, advance biomedical research to ensure more effective lines of treatment, and ultimately find a cure for colorectal cancer. The caucus will help to raise awareness about the challenges faced by the colorectal cancer community among policymakers and their staff as well as work to improve the lives of all patients, survivors, and their loved ones.

I urge you to join the Colorectal Cancer Caucus and help change the statistics around colorectal cancer. Please contact Iyanla Kollock in Rep. Nikema Williams's office at

You can help save lives.

[Your Name]
[Your City & State]

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