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Stand with Kaua`i! Sign the Petition to Syngenta's Swiss HQ

I join the residents of Kaua`i and support them in asking the government and people of Switzerland to instruct Syngenta, which is headquarted in Switzerland, to:

  1. Offer Kaua`i and all Hawai`i the same respect and protections that are afforded to the residents of Switzerland.

  2. Stop spraying Atrazine, Paraquat and 4 other pesticide "active ingredients" which are banned in Switzerland but are sprayed by Syngenta on a regular basis next to and upwind from Kaua`i schools, hospitals and homes.

  3. Honor Kaua`i's laws as they honor the people and the laws of Switzerland. Ask Syngenta to drop their lawsuit against the people of Kaua`i over a democratically passed law (Bill 2491/Ordinance 960) that would establish pesticide buffer zones around the places we live and go to school. Ask them to stop using the courts to hide information about what they spray and to what they expose Kaua`i's people on a daily basis. 

I stand with Kaua`i and all the people of Hawai`i in asking the Swiss people and the Swiss government for their support.

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