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Vote NO on HB2620 on March 21

Please, vote NO on HB2620 when it comes up in the Civil Justice Subcommittee on March 21. 

Members of the subcommittee raised important questions about the bill such as whether the State of Tennessee would be obligated to defend any action by any school employee related to the use of restrooms. 

This bill will encourage chaos in school districts since school employees can take matters into their own hands, and that endangers students.  Will the State be required to defend a school employee who conducts strip searches of students? 

By taking on the responsibility and the costs for defending school districts and employees, the State is enabling situations that will give rise to expensive lawsuits.  In Wisconsin, student Ash Whitaker was awarded an $800,000 settlement because of the discriminatory actions of the school district. 

This bill is far too risky to move out of the subcommittee.

Thank you for considering my views.

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